Composition of the Commission
Elected members
Naki Akçar (President), University of Bern
Patricia Holm (Vice President), University of Basel
Laine Chanteloup, University of Lausanne
Ruzica Dadic, WSL SLF
Hubertus Fischer, University of Bern
Christel Hassler, EPFL
Samuel Jaccard, University of Lausanne
Sabine Rumpf, University of Basel
Johannes Sutter, University of Bern
Andreas Vieli, University of Zurich
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists APECS, Swiss National Committee: Laureen Ahlers / Elizaveta Sharaborova
Federal Departement of Foreign Affairs FDFA, Prosperity and Sustainability Division: Grégoire Hauser
Swiss Commission for the High Alpine Research Station Jungfraujoch SKHFJ: Urs Baltensperger
Swiss Polar Institute SPI: Danièle Rod