Award ceremonies of the Prix de Quervain
The Prix de Quervain 2024 was awarded to Amy R. Macfarlane at a festive event on 3 December 2024 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Introduction and Laudatio: Naki Akçar, President of the Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research
Presentation of the award-winning work «Influences of snow microstructure on the Arctic sea ice energy budget»: Amy R. Macfarlane
The Prix de Quervain 2023 was awarded to Marin Kneib at a symposium on 30 November 2023 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern
Introduction: Urs Baltensperger, President of the Swiss Commission of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch
Gastvortrag «Gletscher als Botschafter des Klimawandels»: Matthias Huss, ETH Zürich, Head of the Glacier Monitoring in Switzerland GLAMOS
Laudation and award ceremony: Hans Rudolf Keusen, Board Member of the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research
Presentation of the award-winning work « Falaises de glaces : importance des processus locaux sur la fonte et l'évolution des glaciers »: Marin Kneib
The Prix de Quervain 2022 was awarded at a symposium on 24 November 2022 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Einführung: Patricia Holm, Vice President of the Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research
Gastvortrag – Buchvernissage «Das Jungfraujoch: Geschichte der Hochalpinen Forschungsstation 1922 – 1952»: Leander Diener, University of Zurich
Presentation of the award-winning works
Thomas Frölicher, University of Bern, on behalf of Jens Terhaar: Der Südozean - Wie gross ist das Tor ins Ozeaninnere wirklich?
Julie Pasquier: Auf der Spur von Eiskristallbildung in Arktischen Wolken
Andrea Baccarini: lodine chemistry and new particle formation in the central Arctic
The Prix de Quervain 2021 was awarded at a symposium on 18 November 2021 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Guest lecture «Schnee von gestern: Gletscher als Umweltarchive»: Margit Schwikowski, Paul Scherrer Institute
Presentation of the award-winning works
Alexander R. Groos: Steinzeitliche Jäger am Gletscherrand: Einblicke in die Umwelt-, Klima- und Menschheitsgeschichte im Äthiopischen Hochland
Enrico Mattea: The end of alpine ice cores? Insights on high altitude climate change from state-of-the-art model of Colle Gniffetti, 4400 m.a.s.l.!
The Prix de Quervain 2019 was awarded at a symposium on 7 November 2019 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Introduction: Heinz Gäggeler, President of the Swiss Commission of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch
Guest lecture «Feinstaub in der Atmosphäre und seine Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesundheit»: Urs Baltensperger, Paul Scherrer Institute
Presentation of the award-winning works
Sandra Brügger: Eiskerngeschichten über vergangene Vegetations- und Landnutzungsdynamiken
Michael Furian: Patienten mit chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung in den Bergen: physiologische und klinische Veränderungen und deren Prävention
The Prix de Quervain 2018 was awarded on 22 June 2018 on the occasion of POLAR 2018 in Davos.
Media release
Welcome: Hubertus Fischer, President of the Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research
Presentation of the short film «Sila and the gatekepers of the Arctic» by Corina Gamma
Presentation of the award-winning work «Reaktion des Südpolarmeers auf jüngste Veränderungen im Süsswassereintrag»: F. Alexander Haumann
The Prix de Quervain 2017 was awarded at a symposium on 23 November 2017 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Welcome: Heinz Gäggeler, President of the Swiss Commission of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch
Guest lecture «Die Antarctic circumnavigation expedition: auf den Spuren von Mertz und Mawson»: Julia Schmale, Paul Scherrer Institute
Presentation of the award-winning works
Emiliano Stopelli: «Biological ice nucleating particles at tropospheric cloud height»
Prisco Frei: «Snowfall in the Alps: evaluation and projections based on the Euro-Cordex regional climate»
The Prix de Quervain 2016 was awarded at a symposium on 25 November 2016 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Welcome: Beat Hächler, Director of the Swiss Alpine Museum
Introduction: Hubertus Fischer, President of the Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research
Guest lecture «Polarforschung: der Schlüssel zum Verständnis des Systems Erde»: Thomas Stocker, University of Bern
Guest lecture «Gas Hydrate im Ozean: potentielle Energiequelle, Risiko und dynamischer Methanspeicher»: Helge Niemann, University of Basel
Presentation of the award-winning works
Lea Steinle: «Environmental controls on marine methane oxidation: from deep-sea brines to shallow coastal systems»
Adrien Michel: «Transient modeling of borehole temperature and basal melting in an ice sheet»
The Prix de Quervain 2015 was awarded at a symposium on 5 November 2015 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Introduction: Heinz Gäggeler, President of the Swiss Commission of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch
Presentation of the award-winning works
Steven Paul Sylvester: «Rekonstruktion der natürlichen Vegetation und Böden der Hochanden Perus»
Chrystelle Gabbud: «Remote sensing of the interactions between climate variability and glacier dynamics for an Alpine temperate glacier, from the scale of the decades to hours: the case of the Haut Glacier d’Arolla»
Matthieu Heiniger: Film «Base camp circus»
The Prix de Quervain 2014 was awarded at a symposium on 14 November 2014 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Media release
Welcome and introduction: Hubertus Fischer, President of the Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research
Presentation on current research in sports medicine: «Effect of live high-train low altitude training on hemoglobin mass and sea level performance: experiences with Swiss world class endurance athlete», Jon Wehrlin, Swiss Federal Institute of Sport, Magglingen
Keynote «Combining hypoxic methods to maximize physical performance: from endurance athletes… to team sport players… and patients», Gregoire Millet, University of Lausanne
Presentation of the award-winning work «Innovations in hypoxic training»: Raphaël Faiss
The Prix de Quervain 2013 was awarded at a symposium on 6 November 2013 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
Introduction: Hubertus Fischer, President of the Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research
Guest lecture «Grönland: Klimawandel und Auswirkungen auf den Eisschild»: Konrad Steffen, WSL Birmensdorf
Guest lecture «Global glacier changes in comparison with Switzerland»: Michael Zemp, World Glacier Monitoring Service WGMS, University of Zürich
Presentation of the award-winning works
Nicole Inauen: «Alpine Gletschervorfeldpflanzen unter erhöhter atmosphärischer CO2-Konzentration»
Lena Hellmann: «Arktisches Treibholz aus Grönland und Spitzbergen: holzanatomische Klassifikation»
The Prix de Quervain 2012 was awarded at a symposium on 14 November 2012 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
The Prix de Quervain 2011 was awarded at a symposium on 3 November 2011 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
The Prix de Quervain 2010 was awarded at a symposium on 11 November 2010 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.
The Prix de Quervain 2009 was awarded at a symposium on 29 October 2009 at the Swiss Alpine Museum in Bern.