Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research

This Commission serves as a strategic body for the Swiss community in polar and high altitude research and represents their scientific interests nationally as well as internationally. In order to promote young talents, it awards the Prix de Quervain.

Prix de Quervain

Named after the Swiss Arctic explorer Alfred de Quervain (1879-1927), this prize is awarded annually, alternating between polar and high altitude research (laureates).


Eligible are early career researchers who have completed their MA, PhD or Postdoc work in Switzerland in the 24 months prior to the submission deadline. The next call (high altitude research) will take place in early 2025. To be alerted, please write to


The awarding of the prize of CHF 5,000 is part of a public symposium at which the prizewinners present their work.

© picture source: ETH Library Zurich, Image Library

Alfred de Quervain, Greenland crossing 1912

Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research

Dr Roger Pfister, Head
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern