Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research

This Commission serves as a strategic body for the Swiss community in polar and high altitude research and represents their scientific interests nationally as well as internationally. In order to promote young talents, it awards the Prix de Quervain.


19.09.2024 |  Prix de Quervain 2024
Snow microstructure: importance for Arctic sea ice and global climate

Amy R. Macfarlane receives the prize for her research as part of the MOSAiC expedition

© picture source: Calle Schöning
16.02.2024 |  Prix de Quervain 2024
Call for works (Master, PhD, Postdoc) in the field of Polar Research

Deadline was 30.04.2024

13.02.2024 |  Swiss Ocean Day
1st conference for the Swiss ocean community

Organised by the Swiss Commission of Oceanography and Limnology and the Oeschger Zentrum, at the University of Bern on 20 June 2024

02.02.2024 |  International symposium
Jungfraujoch and beyond: high altitude physiology and medicine

At the University of Bern on 4 April 2024

© picture source: Konsta Punkka
17.01.2024 |  International Arctic Science Committee IASC
IASC Fellowship for young researcher at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI

Patrik Winiger among the 10 winners out of more than 60 candidates

Swiss Commission for Polar and High Altitude Research

Dr Roger Pfister, Head
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern

Prix de Quervain